Match on Official

For Officials in the South, Central and North Central Regions, please use the Match on Official (South) Form:


For Officials in the North, North East and Peace Regions, please use the Match on Official (North) Form:


RULE 11.5 - Physical Harassment of Officials (Match Penalty on Official) and RULE 11.3 - Spitting (On an Official)

This is the most severe penalty in the rule book.

The following is a list of guidelines officials should review when determining if Rule 11.5 (C) is to be enforced. Please consider the following:

  • Rule 11.2: Verbal abuse is unacceptable behavior, but it is NOT a Match.
  • Rule 6.1: If the player made an attempt to injure you, please ask yourself whether it would be effectively covered under Rule 11.5.
  • Rule 11.5 C (i): Was this verbal abuse or an actual threat of physical abuse? If it is verbal abuse the ruling shall fall under 11.2 Abusive Behavior.
  • Rule 11.5 C (ii): Note that this rule refers to intentionally touching, holding or pushing a referee with minimal degree of violence. Please make sure that the player did not mistake you for an opposing team player.
  • Rule 11.5 C (iii): If you were struck deliberately, with a high degree of violence, please make sure your description relates to this rule. Please ensure the player’s intent.
  • Rule 11.5 E: Should the contact on the official be accidental a Game Misconduct rule shall apply.
  • Rule 11.3: Ensure this was not an accident, but was done on purpose. Report only those incidents where an official is involved, NOT player on player.
Procedure for filling out a Match on Official report:

1. Keep the white copy of game sheet and the incident report sheet.

2. Ensure the following:

  • You have the correct NUMBER of the player or NAME of the coach. If you do not know, ask. Be sure you know BEFORE you leave the arena.
  • The proper number and offence legibly printed on the game sheet.
  • The game sheet is properly completed, including:
    • Player Name
    • Team Name
    • Time and period in which penalty was assessed
    • Full description of the incident - include all possible factors that led to the incident (state facts, NOT opinions).
    • After you are satisfied all details of the incident have been reported, make sure your name and phone number appear legibly on the report.

3. In completing your report please include as much of the following as possible:

  • What led up to the incident?
  • Give approximate distances, (i.e. along the boards, approximately 10 feet from blue line).
    • Detail the degree of violence in the infraction, the extent of the injury to yourself, if any, and also what happened after the incident - did s/he leave without taking further action?
  • Use terms to describe the degree of violence (i.e. vicious two-handed slash).
  • Result of infraction (i.e. cut to the eye area).
  • State facts and what you saw only.
  • Reaction of all participants after the infraction.
  • When the player was ejected, did s/he cause further problems.

4. WITHIN 12 HOURS OF THE INCIDENT, contact your Regional Match Penalty Coordinator. Be prepared to supply the following information:

  • Your name and phone number
  • The teams involved
  • Names and phone numbers of fellow officials
  • Name and team of player or team official involved
  • The time, location and league of the game
  • Rule number to which the incident applies

5. The Match Penalty Coordinator will follow up to advise what will be done and how we will proceed.

Rule 11.5 C (i)

RULE: Conducts themselves in such a way that physically threatens or intimidates an Official, without making physical contact.

INTERPRETATION: This rule is applied to a situation where a player or team official makes threats of any nature towards an official. Under this rule there is no physical contact. A key distinguishing factor to make before calling a Match on Official under rule 11.5 C (i) is if you genuinely felt threatened. If you feel that the actions fall under abuse or maltreatment those penalties should be assessed under rule 11.2.

IMPORTANT: If any Behaviour described in Rule 11.5 includes behaviour described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the player, goaltender or team official must be penalized under Rule 11.4, in addition to 11.5 and any other penalties that individual might receive.

Rule 11.5 C (ii)

RULE: Deliberately applies physical force to an official with a minimal to moderate degree of violence, without causing injury.

INTERPRETATION: This rule is applied to a situation where a player or team official strikes an official with minimal to moderate degree of violence. Typically a push or light punch. Should the contact result in physical harm or injury rule 11.5c (iii) shall apply.

IMPORTANT: If any Behaviour described in Rule 11.5 includes behaviour described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the player, goaltender or team official must be penalized under Rule 11.4, in addition to 11.5 and any other penalties that individual might receive.

Rule 11.5 C (iii)

RULE: Deliberately applies Physical force to an official with a high degree of violence or causes injury to an official by way of an intentional contact.

INTERPRETATION: This rule applies to a situation where the intentional action is with a high degree of violence or injury results.

IMPORTANT: If any Behaviour described in Rule 11.5 includes behaviour described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the player, goaltender or team official must be penalized under Rule 11.4, in addition to 11.5 and any other penalties that individual might receive.

Rule 11.5 (E)

RULE: A Game Misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player or team official who, in the course of attempting to continue or continuing to participate in a gathering or altercation, accidentally applies physical fore to an opponent.

INTERPRETATION: This rule applies where an official is struck by a player, or team official, accidentally strikes an official. The application of this rule should be limited to moderate to high degree of violence. We do not want to enforce this rule for minimal degree of violence such as accidental bumps.

IMPORTANT: If any Behavior described in Rule 11.5 includes behavior described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the player, goaltender or team official must be penalized under Rule 11.4, in addition to 11.5 and any other penalties that individual might receive.

Rule 11.3

RULE: A Match penalty shall be assessed to any player, goaltender or team official who deliberately spits on or at an opponent, Official, team official or any other individual.

INTERPRETATION: For this rule “Official” is defined as a Referee, Lineperson, or Off-Ice Official. A key distinguishing factor to make before calling Rule 11.3 is whether the spit was intentional or was it accidental.

IMPORTANT: If any Behaviour described in Rule 11.3 includes behaviour described in Rule 11.4 – Discrimination, the player, goaltender or team official must be penalized under Rule 11.4, in addition to 11.3 and any other penalties that individual might receive.