
Matthew Wass and David Westwood Receive Kenneth R. Stiles Memorial Scholarship

Matthew Wass and David Westwood – members of the Hockey Alberta officials’ program – have been named by Hockey Canada as recipients of the Kenneth R. Stiles Memorial Scholarship for the 2020-21 season.

The scholarship is awarded annually to members of the Hockey Canada Officiating Program (HCOP) to help offset the cost of post-secondary education, supporting their efforts to reach their university or college goals, and to reward their interest in mentoring the next generation.  

Wass, of Medicine Hat, has been in the HCOP for 11 years. He is currently entering his third year of the education program through Mount Royal University at the Medicine Hat College campus.

“Winning this scholarship is a huge accomplishment that brings together two things that I’ve worked very hard to succeed in, my education and officiating. I always say hard work pays off and this just proves right here that it does,” said Wass. “I feel honored and proud to represent Hockey Alberta and South Region Officials in being named one of eight to receive the scholarship.”

Westwood, from Red Deer, is currently completing his Bachelor of Education from Burman University. In addition to skating as a hockey referee, Westwood is also a referee in the National Lacrosse League.

The Kenneth R. Stiles Memorial Scholarship was established by the Seaman Hotchkiss Hockey Foundation (formerly Project 75) and Hockey Canada in 2006 in recognition of Ken Stiles, a former president of Project 75. Stiles made significant contributions to grassroots hockey throughout Canada. He was a catalyst in planning and designing an initiative aimed at players and officials who demonstrate excellence in sport and commitment to education.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, officiating achievement and community involvement.

There were eight recipients this year’s Stiles scholarship. Other recipients are Hazel Barthel and Melissa Brunn (BC Hockey), Lauren Fox (Hockey Manitoba), Sophie LeBlanc (Hockey Nova Scotia), and Jonathan Bolduc and Noémy Brisebois (Hockey Quebec).

For more information on Hockey Alberta officials visit or the Hockey Canada Officiating Program, visit

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