Please Read - North Region Female Update

Hello everyone,

We wanted to start off by introducing ourselves - Shelley Knowlton and Darby Readman - as co-chairs for the North Region Female Officials for the upcoming 2022-2023 season. We are both looking forward to working with each and every one of you!

The two of us, along with a team, will be looking to build a program that has opportunities for growth, progression, supervising, coaching and mentoring. Our goal is to be transparent and create a program that is reputable and fair for every female official.

We will be sending out a “Beginning of the Year” introduction letter in mid August outlining league rules, expectations, supervision requirements and any other important information. 

With that being said, we are tentatively planning a female clinic for October 2. We are working on location and logistics. The plan is to have a Junior class and a Senior class. The Junior clinic would run all day and the Senior class would run half a day in the morning. For the Senior class in the afternoon we would like to have a supervision session. We are looking at bringing guest speakers, discussing supervision expectations, determining requirements for the year, practice delivering a supervision and demonstrating the process of how to submit your supervisions for the year. 

In addition to that, we would like to incorporate the Senior class within the Junior class for some portion of the afternoon. This could be quick one-on-one conversations with each other, a rule book scavenger hunt or just time to talk, meet each other and put some faces to names. We believe that this would be extremely beneficial for the Junior officials so they can hear about some wonderful opportunities that officiating has to offer!

We know that there are half day options for the Senior females, however this would be a great opportunity and if you are able to attend this clinic/supervision session on October 2 that would be awesome!

We are looking forward to working with all of you this upcoming season. If you have any questions, please email: [email protected] Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Shelley Knowlton and Darby Readman