October 2 Clinic

Good afternoon everyone!

With the season just around the corner, we would like to invite you again to be part of the All Female Clinic taking place on October 2, 2022 at NAIT. The clinic still has many spots open that we would like to get filled. It will be a fantastic opportunity to meet other officials and to learn more about the female program!

This clinic will be for level 1/2 officials. If anyone knows someone who is interested in starting to officiate this year, this would be the clinic for them!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Use this link to begin your sign-up and registration.

Have a fantastic long weekend!

Shelley Knowlton & Darby Readman

Beginning of Year 2022/2023 North Region Newsletter


Hello everyone:

I would like to welcome all new and retuning officials to the 2022 2023 officiating season.  I hope everyone has had a safe and quiet summer and is ready to get on the ice and officiate some Hockey Games. We have started to see some Exhibition games coming in so please make sure you update your availability, Dark days (If using and assigning program) or let your assignor know when you are available.

Everyone must attend a recertification clinic. All NHP, MHP and Level 3 officials must take a Level 3 online clinic.  All Level 1 and 2 officials must take a full day in person clinic that corresponds with your level.  A clinic schedule can be found on the Hockey Alberta Website as well as links for the updated Rule Book. You must register for a clinic using the Hockey Canada registry.  Please make sure you update your HCR profile.  Here is the link to the website. . 

Reclassification applications are now being accepted for the 2022/2023 season.  We are accepting applications for level 3 upgrades as well as MHP/NHP.  More info can be found here.  Please have your application in no later than Jan 31, 2022.

I would like to congratulate all the North region officials that officiated at an international or National event this past season.  Your dedication and commitment as well as countless hours on the ice paid off with a fabulous assignment.

Kennedy Roblin (Linesperson) Esso Cup, Kael Maltais (Referee) Telus Cup, Brayden Arcand (Referee) Centennial Cup, Scott Fulmer (Linesperson) Centennial Cup, Taylor Burzminski (Referee) Hlinka Gretzky cup, Kyle Kowalski (Referee) World Junior Championship, Fraser Lawrence (Referee) World Junior Championship, and the World Championship and Lacey Senuk (Referee) USport Women’s Hockey championship, Women’s Olympic qualifying and the Olympic winter games.

I would like to congratulate all the award winners from the past two seasons.  All the awards were presented at our annual general meeting and social.  All the award winners deserve a big thank you for all their commitment and dedication to the program.  With out the countless hours that our volunteers put in, it would be very difficult to have the successful season that we have each year.


I hope everyone has a great officiating season.


Thank you and Stay Safe

Herman Costa

North Region Coordinator


2022/2023 North Region Executive

Chair: Herman Costa
Vice-Chair: Colin Watt
Secretary: Sanjeev Bhagrath
Treasurer: Alex Homer
U18 AA, Golf, Social: Jeff Howe
Local Referee in Chief Liason: Dennis Arski
Minor Committee, Golf, Social: Alex Verhaeghe
Awards/Rewards, Scholarships: Chris Despot
Discipline Coordinator: Stefan Brown
Match Penalty Coordinator: Ryan Hoffman
Female Committee: Shelley Knowlton and Darby Readman
Clinics: Dean Ziegler
Supervision Coordinator/Shadow: Tim Homeniuk
Federation Rep: Duncan MacDougall
Senior Regional Assignor: Sanjeev Bhagrath
Hockey Edmonton Rep: Chris Rebus
Provincials Coordinator: Ken Dentzien
U18 AAA Liaison: Colin Watt
Development Camp/Alberta Cup: 
League Supervisors: Mike Rebus (AJHL), Lance Hyndman (CJHL), Scott Fulmer (ACAC)
Communications/Social Media:  Darby Readman
Sledge Hockey Coordinator: Mark Claffey


Award Winners 2021/2022 - Chris Despot







Ernie Boruk Award: Dean Ziegler

Dean Ziegler attended his first officiating clinic in 1970, which took place in the Vegreville arena with Dave Baron, Willy Walaniuk, Ralph Casher, Zony Cyba and Dean’s father, Dave Ziegler.  The instructor for Dean’s first clinic was Ron Panchyshyn.  While growing up in Vegreville, Dean played and officiated minor hockey games.  Dean completed his playing career with the Vegreville Junior B Rangers.

Dean moved to Edmonton in 1976 to begin a new chapter in his life.  Shortly, thereafter, in 1981 Dean moved to St. Albert to raise a family and this move put a pause on his officiating career.  Dean went back to officiating in 1988 working minor hockey in St. Albert for Tony Chieco and Norm Douzzech. 

In 1998, Dean followed Derek Herman as St. Albert’s Referee-in-Chief, a position that he held until 2003.  Prior to becoming referee-in-chief, Dean designed a website for the St. Albert Referees.  This website displayed everything happening with referees in St. Albert and the website had links to the North Region and to the province.  Dean was also an integral part of the St. Albert supervision program. 

In 2000 Dean was part of a group of Referees-in-Chief from across Canada that designed the Hockey Canada Mentorship and Shadow program under the guidance of Norm Dueck, manger of officiating.  During this time, Dean was instrumental in designing a referee game report form for officials in St. Albert.  This form made it easier for referees to write their game reports.  Hockey Alberta adopted this form for use in minor hockey throughout the Branch.

After his tenure as St. Albert Referee-in-Chief, Dean became the referee assignor for St. Albert Minor Hockey Association and one of his duties was being responsible for the payroll.  Dean found that telephone assigning took a great deal of time and being a forward thinker Dean developed an assigning program that allowed assignments to be made over the internet.  Dean labelled his assigning program RAMP.  It was the genesis of the company known as RAMP which further developed the assigning program.  Dean gave the rights to his program to the St. Albert Minor Hockey Association and their referees.

Throughout his career, Dean worked numerous elite level tournaments, including the 2000 Alberta Winter Games in Sherwood Park and the 1997 St. Albert Bantam AAA Tournament including the Gold Medal game.

For the past twenty years, Dean has been involved the Region executive level and he currently holds the position of Clinic Coordinator.  Coordinating between sixty and seventy clinics each year through the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) program, Dean creates each individual clinic.  As well he creates a schedule for the clinics in the North Region after consulting with the local referees-in-chief about potential dates.  Dean then assigns instructors to each clinic.  Following each clinic, Dean builds a North Region roster providing everyone in the North Region with a living document.  Dean is also an active instructor.  He does not shy away when asked to help out.

In 2008 Dean became part of the Provincial group responsible for Hockey Alberta referee clinics.  As part of this group Dean was sent to Ottawa to participate in the Master Conductor Clinic by then provincial chairman, Wally Popik which introduced him to the responsibilities of conducting a leadership clinic for instructors.  Dean helped to develop modules and ideas which help our instructors across the province.  The purpose is to have uniform instruction at clinics across the Branch. 

During the first few years, Dean, with assistance from local peers, offered to build the national exam for Hockey Canada.  He suggested that the provincial leadership group use a program called Socrative to conduct the exam at each clinic.  Socrative has many benefits including monitoring exam progress, self marking and identifying problem questions.  Dean, upon receipt of the national exam, inputs the exam into Socrative and distributes the clinic codes to the instructors.

In 2019, Dave Ganley retired, and Dean was asked to become an instructor at Branch supervision clinics.  That year clinics were held in the north and the south part of the Branch.  Dean was an instructor at the clinics in both Edmonton on Saturday and in Calgary on Sunday of the same weekend.

Both Hockey Alberta and the North Region have recognized Dean’s contributions to officiating in Alberta.  Dean received the Hockey Alberta Referee Council Award in 1990 and the Dave Ganley Award in 2013, both from Hockey Alberta.  Dean has been recognized by the North Region with the Supervision Award in 2004, the Chairman’s Award in 2007 and the Ron Panchyshyn Award in 2012.

Official of the Year: Brayden Arcand


Service awards
10 years
Parker Adam, Carlin Baerg, Ron Bay, Dane Britten, Dominic Cutknife, Brandon Geiger, Jordan Hurl, Andrew Hutton, Jacob Kraushaar, Tristen Kremer, Dylan Leaney, Austin Lightning, Blake Martin, Dillon Martin, Zach Martin, Brian Matthews, Brody McGrath, David Schreuder, Peter Sha, Tanner Stefanik, Barry Wiskel

15 years
Daniel Anderson, Brayden Arcand, Taylor Burzminski, Spencer Hayes, Scott Mah, Brett Ryan, Chip Schwartz, Duc Trinh, Devin Wentzell

20 years
Arron Best, Kelly Reid

25 years
Graham Bakay, Ray Keller, Brad Scott

30 years
Robert Boos, Don Buskas

35 years
Ian Martinot

40 years
Monty Wood

45 years
Ernie Boruk, George McCorry, Mike Rebus


Supervisions - Tim Homeniuk

The 2022/23 hockey season is upon us and in full swing. Many of us are officiating as many games as we can, while at the same time planning on getting out to the rink on nights-off to supervise our fellow officials.  While we have different reasons for supervising, it is important to remember that supervisions are an integral part of the development of officials. Since it has been a little while since we have been in the rinks full time, I wanted to take this opportunity to go over a few expectations for supervisors.

· Remember that you are there to coach the on-ice officials and help accelerate their development and learning

· Introduce yourself to the officials prior to the start of the game

· Go into each supervision with an open mind and a positive attitude

· Provide the officials with a written supervision, preferably submitted online at Supervision Form - North | Hockey Alberta | Officials Committee and submit completed supervision within 72 hours of the game

· Provide useful information and focus on areas the official can improve. Include feedback on the positive aspects of their game and not just the negative

Officials working hockey assigned by the Senior Assignor are encouraged to read the Supervision Requirements that were distributed earlier this year as they apply to the 2022/23 season. This season, officials will be “assigned” to supervise specific leagues or levels of hockey.

Have a save and enjoyable hockey season,


Supervisions Coordinator, North Region

[email protected]


Colin Hackett Scholarship - Application



Value: Annually – Maximum of one award up to $1,000.


The successful applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

· A member in good standing with the North Region and at a minimum a Level 2 official.

· Resident of the Region for the past season and the current season.

· 18 years of age by December 15 of the current season.

· Active official working games in the North Region.

· Attending a post secondary institution in a recognized program on a full time basis (min. of three classes per semester).

· Volunteer experience you have provided as a mentor/leader on and off the ice.


A scholarship committee will select the winner each year. The committee consists of two executive members and one member at large.


The application period is January 1 to March 1 each year. Applications will not be considered received until all the required information has been received by the committee.

Here is a link to the application: Colin Hackett Scholarship application


Hockey Alberta Official’s Committee Scholarship

Value: Annually – Maximum of three (3) awards of up to $1,500.

Scholarships are presented to applicants who meet the following criteria:

·  A member in good standing with Hockey Alberta in the current season with a minimum of Level 2 certification.

·  A resident of Alberta for at least 2 years.

·  18 years of age by December 15 of the season s/he is applying for scholarship.

·  An active official, working games at any level.

·  Attending a post-secondary institution in a recognized program on a full time basis, including a recognized trade school program. Transcript of class enrolment is required.

·  Other criteria will include, but is not limited to, the applicant’s on-ice ability and off-ice contribution to his/her Region.


Application deadline is April 1 of each year.

Applicant could be applying for the year just being completed in order to qualify.

Apply here: Hockey Alberta Official’s Committee Scholarship Application


Ramp 2.0 - Duncan MacDougall

For those Edmonton officials who work in the City AA program or in the Edmonton Federation Hockey League (EFHL) you should be aware that we have moved to a new version of RAMP – Version 2.  This move had a genesis about four years ago.  Since then, there have been attempts to move to a newer version but in testing we always found the newer versions wanting.  Most recently we revisited the process in late March 2022.  In June, the process continued on an almost daily basis and by the end of August, it appeared that everything was in order.  NOT.  There continue to be issues that prevent a smooth transition.  Hopefully, by the time you read this article RAMP Version 2 will be fully operational in Edmonton.  The system has idiosyncrasies that must be learned, and the system will continue to require minor tweaks to allow it to provide the best service for Edmonton administrators, assignors and officials.  Should you experience any issues with RAMP Version 2 please contact your local RIC as it is highly unlikely that you are the problem.  All officials who use RAMP in Edmonton should revisit their personal page and update ALL the data including the year that you started officiating.  


ACAC - Scott Fulmer

The season is slated to start sometime in October. We are looking forward to a full year of hockey. We are looking to have more 4-official games as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the ice.


Female Program - Shelley Knowlton and Darby Readman

This year there will be two co-chairs for the North Region Female Development Program: Shelley Knowlton and Darby Readman. The year is already starting off great as we have females who are very interested in helping out with the committee. Our plan is to begin a supervision program so that there are more consistent supervisions not only with mentor officials but with peers as well. We are excited to have an all female clinic taking place on October 2 at NAIT. Our plan is to also have a supervision coaching session sometime later on in the year. There will be more information to follow.

We had three North Region Officials attend MHP camp from September 10-11:

-Michelle Gariepy

-Megan French

-Hayley Butz

We couldn’t be happier for these three officials. It is a great opportunity to showcase their skill level and to learn from some of the best officials in Alberta. 

We are looking forward to a great year!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach us at: [email protected]


Clinic Schedule 2022-2023 - Dean Ziegler

Clinic Schedule 2022-2023

Please click here to begin your registration