Code of Conduct


Being a hockey official is an extremely rewarding and challenging endeavor. In order to be a Hockey Alberta Official you require a high standard of integrity, competence and discretion. Please adhere to the code of conduct below in every aspect of your officiating, from the time you get to the rink until the time you leave:

I will do my best in every instance to keep the game safe and fair and remain impartial regardless of the level of hockey.

I will strive to provide a sportsmanlike environment where players can display their skills.

I will use the tools provided to me to train myself to know the rules of the game and stay up to date on changes and take charge of my own personal development as an official.

I will maintain a high sense of professionalism, have a neat appearance, and maintain a high level of physical and mental fitness.

I will be honest when I am questioned on anything regarding the game or game situation and will report all penalties involving potential disciplinary action to the appropriate authorities.

I will accept that I will make mistakes and that I will learn from them.

I will treat all participants (Players, Coaches, Parents, Fans, Rink Staff, Off Ice Officials) with integrity, dignity and respect.

I will treat my fellow officials with respect and courtesy and collaborate with them to make the fairest and safest decisions.

I will remember that I am setting an example for other officials and representing Hockey Alberta.

I will understand that the use of alcohol or recreational/illicit drugs prior to a game is completely unacceptable.

I will never use foul or vulgar language when speaking with any participant or fellow official.

I have read this CODE OF CONDUCT – HOCKEY ALBERTA OFFICIALS and understand that I am responsible for my own actions on and off the ice, failure to adhere to this code may result in discipline and possible expulsion from the Hockey Alberta Officiating program.